In the movie The Departed, Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio), is part of an undercover operation to infiltrate Frank Costello's (Jack Nicholson) gang. Hoping to get an invite to join the gang, Billy performs a series of crimes to get noticed. These crimes ended him in jail for several months, and he finally got noticed after getting into a brawl with some mafia members. Billy gave the off the appearance of a criminal that could hold his own. He just might be of use to the gang. However, Costello had his suspicions, and suspected that Billy might be a cop. While sitting at a bar, Costello approached Billy to gauge his interest in joining the gang and also test his suspicions. After some words were exchanged, Costello had one of his goons tap him down for any wires, and then him pin down and bash his already broken arm, all while asking if he was a cop. Satisfied with his work, Costello left and Billy's integration into the gang began. As the leader of the gang, Costello wante...
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